Now I've got copycats making Redneck Sushi and pretending its their own original creation. This guy did a good enough job, but has done nothing to advance the weaved bacon art form.
So today, while the ripoff artists are playing catch-up, Headless Blogger takes Redneck Sushi to new limits - The Bacon Cheeseburger Roll.
Starting with a layer of ground meat - beef round on the left and turkey on the right - fried onions and Penzey's Smoky 4S Seasoning are added. The dual meats were chosen to comply with the preferences of my family.
Click any picture for the supersized view.
The seasoned meat and onion is topped with crumpled bacon and a generous layer of grated sharp cheddar cheese.
The covered meat is then carefully rolled, and then wrapped in the weaved bacon. Note that the bacon lattice is not as tight as the last time I weaved it. I wanted to leave a way for fat to drip out from the beef and also to allow better smoke penetration to the meat.
The finished Redneck Sushi Bacon Cheeseburger Roll.
Perfect cut into half inch slices and served as sliders on small hamburger buns. Both the turkey and beef ends received glowing praise.
That looks so amazing-I don't even eat meat all that often, but I'd kill for a thick slice of this.
or you could order a cheeseburger with bacon...
I think i just threw up in my mouth...
Did anyone see this? I think I'd pay to have that bacon thing outlawed...
I'd like to talk to you about a TV show I'm working on, for a major cable network. Please message me or email
We'd like to show photos of this "redneck sushi" process in our show. Thanks!
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