Saturday, March 24, 2007

La Carte de Mort - Online Edition (UPDATED)

Soon after I started working in Milwaukee, one of the engineers
I worked with was slapped around by the corporate diversity police for maintaining his "Map de Mort." This was a Milwaukee city map with pushpins at the locations of each homicide noted in the news. Somehow this instance of depicting reality was deemed to be racially insensitive.

Being new to the city, I found the map to be enlightening and a fair warning of areas of the city to avoid. The murder of Scott Huggins brought me back to my friend's map. I have started la Carte de Mort with the location of Mr. Huggins homicide.

I plan to maintain and update this map regularly. Hopefully this will not include the addition of many new digital pushpins.

UPDATE: I found a list of all 2007 Milwaukee homicides at this website, and used that information to provide an up-to-date map for 2007.


Dad29 said...

THere's another one this morning, and you should not forget the one on 25th/Capitol from 15 years ago.

Headless Blogger said...

That didn't take long. I added the morning homicide and everything back to the first of the year. I found data online going back several years, but I'm not ready to take on that project.

Dad29 said...

Not related--was that fatal in Pewaukee near your home? The residents near the scene kept talking about a mega-sports-field complex planned for the area...

Headless Blogger said...

Yes, just up the road. I had to cross a police roadblock and could see the TV lights when I got home. I plan to blog it if I find some time.