Thursday, January 17, 2008

I might join this protest

I just read this excerpt of the Liberal Fascism book at the Liberal Fascism blog.
Charles Van Hise, Roosevelt’s close adviser, was more emphatic. “He who thinks not of himself primarily, but of his race, and of its future, is the new patriot,” explained Van Hise, the founder of the American conservation movement and president of the University of Wisconsin during its glory days as the premier training ground for American progressives. Van Hise summarized the American Progressive attitude toward eugenics well when he explained: “We know enough about agriculture so that the agricultural production of the country could be doubled if the knowledge were applies; we know enough about disease so that if the knowledge were utilized, infectious and contagious diseases would be substantially destroyed in the United States within a score of years; we know enough about eugenics so that if the knowledge were applied, the defective classes would disappear within a generation.”
Leave it to Jonah Goldberg, a conservative author, to give Madison's present day progressives a reason to demand the renaming of this building. We'd all still be oblivious to the racism of Van Hise without Goldberg's research.

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