Monday, October 22, 2007

I-43 Revenue Enhancement

This past weekend I made a roundtrip to Manitowoc from Milwaukee County on I-43. On the return trip, Mr. Headless mentioned that she saw more police in Sheboygan and Ozaukee Counties in that one day than she has seen in all the trips through Chicago in her life.

After thinking about it, I must agree. I too saw more more traffic enforcement in that one day than I have seen in all my twice weekly trips on the Tri-State or through Chicago over the last 15 months. Probably more than I saw in Wisconsin from the border to Pewaukee in all those trips, too. And probably more than in all my weekly Pewaukee to Hudson round-trips over the year prior to that.

Don't they have any higher priorities up there? Like putting sex offenders away or incarcerating stalkers.

I also note that the latest trials of my cloaking device continue with success. At 70 mph, my vehicle is invisible to police radar.

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